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When building a WordPress site, your main objective is to use as few plugins as possible. However, not everyone who uses WordPress is a PHP maven. Fortunately, these must have WordPress plugins won’t bog down your site. Some of them will actually help your site to run faster and more efficiently. Every one of these plugins is used on all of my WordPress sites. They help me to manage tasks that would be difficult to otherwise, and they provide features that are necessary for any successful WordPress site.

在构建WordPress网站时,您的主要目标是使用尽可能少的插件。 但是,并非每个使用WordPress的人都是PHP专家。 幸运的是,这些必须具有WordPress插件才能避免您的网站瘫痪。 其中一些实际上可以帮助您的网站更快,更高效地运行。 我的所有WordPress网站都使用了这些插件中的每个插件。 它们帮助我管理原本很难完成的任务,并且它们提供了任何成功的WordPress网站所必需的功能。

At SitePoint, we’ve written about , however in this article I’ll cover my own ‘must have’ plugins – the 2014 edition.

在SitePoint上,我们之前曾写过 ,但是在本文中,我将介绍我自己的“必备”插件-2014版。



One of the most annoying things that can happen while trying to run your WordPress site, is that you’ll experience a lot of spam comments. One way to fight these spam comments, is to use a WordPress plugin that’s been around for many years, called Akismet. Akismet has been the trusted face of comment spam prevention for as long as I can remember.

尝试运行WordPress网站时可能发生的最烦人的事情之一是,您将遇到很多垃圾邮件评论。 解决这些垃圾评论的一种方法是使用已经存在多年的WordPress插件,称为Akismet。 据我所知,Akismet一直是防止垃圾评论的可信赖面Kong。


WordPress SEO by Yoast

Whether or not you’re a Search Engine Optimization master, Yoast is the go to plugin for SEO for your WordPress site. You can control every aspect of your SEO endeavors using this plugin. This plugin is great for handling meta descriptions and other SEO tasks. This plugin is also great for on page SEO. You can also control things like your robots.txt file, and it will generate your site map for you. This makes it extremely easy to submit your site map to Google, Yahoo and Bing on a regular basis.

无论您是不是搜索引擎优化大师,Yoast都是您的WordPress网站SEO的插件。 您可以使用此插件控制SEO努力的各个方面。 这个插件非常适合处理元描述和其他SEO任务。 该插件也非常适合页面SEO。 您还可以控制诸如robots.txt文件之类的东西,它将为您生成站点地图。 这使得定期将站点地图提交到Google,Yahoo和Bing非常容易。

Yoast in Action

The thing I like the most about Yoast’s SEO plugin is the fact that it analyzes your article and makes suggestions based on what you’ve done. It’s handy to have this reminder, letting you know that you’ve forgotten something important, such as using your keyword in a heading, etc. Yoast’s plugin gives you an overall score, depending on how many points you’ve hit properly.

关于Yoast的SEO插件,我最喜欢的是事实,它可以分析您的文章并根据您的操作提出建议。 发出提醒很方便,让您知道您已经忘记了一些重要的事项,例如在标题中使用关键字等。Yoast的插件会根据您正确打了多少分为您提供总体得分。



One of the things that you’ll encounter when running your WordPress site, is the creation of extra post revisions and drafts. One of the most important aspects of running a successful WordPress site is keeping your database healthy. Getting rid of this extra data will help to keep your database running quickly and efficiently. WP-DBManager allows you to do this with just one click of a button.

在运行WordPress网站时,您会遇到的一件事就是创建额外的帖子修订和草稿。 运行成功的WordPress网站最重要的方面之一就是保持数据库健康。 摆脱这些多余的数据将有助于保持数据库快速有效地运行。 WP-DBManager允许您只需单击一个按钮即可执行此操作。



One of the most important aspects of your site’s success is the relationship that you develop with your readers. Making it easy for your readers to comment on your posts will spawn interactions and generate buzz for your site. Disqus is a plugin that makes it easy for users to login with their Google+, Facebook, Twitter or Disqus accounts and make comments. Users can also vote for other people’s comments, which promotes interactions between the visitors of your site.

网站成功的最重要方面之一就是您与读者之间的关系。 使读者易于评论您的帖子将产生互动并为您的网站引起嗡嗡声。 Disqus是一个插件,使用户可以轻松地使用其Google +,Facebook,Twitter或Disqus帐户登录并发表评论。 用户还可以对其他人的评论进行投票,从而促进站点访问者之间的互动。


WP Smush.it

One of the toughest parts about WordPress is keeping it running fast. Just like any other type of website on the web, it’s important to keep your images optimized. The smaller that you can make file sizes, the quicker your site will load. The problem with this is, if you are uploading a lot of images to your site, you may not have time to go in and optimize and compress each image. That’s where WP Smush.it comes in. With a click of a button, you can choose to compress all the images stored on your WordPress site. Sometimes, you can save up to 30% or 40% for each image. If you multiply that by 100 images, you just saved a lot of bandwidth.

关于WordPress的最困难的部分之一是使其保持快速运行。 就像网络上任何其他类型的网站一样,保持图像最优化很重要。 您可以使文件大小越小,则网站加载速度越快。 这样做的问题是,如果要将大量图像上传到站点,则可能没有时间进行优化和压缩每个图像。 这就是WP Smush.it的来源。单击按钮,您可以选择压缩存储在WordPress网站上的所有图像。 有时,每张图像最多可以节省30%或40%。 如果将其乘以100张图像,则可以节省大量带宽。



Security is of the utmost importance when it comes to any WordPress site. There are tons of plugins out there that promise to keep your site safe and secure. In my opinion, the best security and backup plugin available is called VaultPress. This plugin will automatically backup your site at intervals that you specify. To battle the possibility of being hacked, VaultPress will perform a daily scan of your site. If it finds something, you can have your database repaired with one click. Not only is this plugin easy to use, but it provides peace of mind.

对于任何WordPress网站,安全性都是至关重要的。 有大量的插件可以保证您网站的安全。 我认为,最好的安全性和备份插件称为VaultPress。 该插件将按照您指定的时间间隔自动备份您的站点。 为了抵御被黑客入侵的可能性,VaultPress会每天扫描您的站点。 如果发现问题,您可以一键修复数据库。 该插件不仅易于使用,而且使您省心。


W3 Total Cache

There are steps that all WordPress users should take to optimize their sites. Using a caching plugin like W3 Total Cache can greatly improve performance for your WordPress site. It performs object and browser caching, which is important for making your site load for users.

所有WordPress用户都应采取一些步骤来优化其网站。 使用W3 Total Cache之类的缓存插件可以大大提高WordPress网站的性能。 它执行对象和浏览器缓存,这对于使用户加载网站很重要。

Caching means that a user doesn’t have to re-download all assets every time someone visits your site. The initial load may take longer, but every subsequent page load will be much quicker.

缓存意味着用户不必在每次访问您的站点时都重新下载所有资产。 初始加载可能需要更长的时间,但是随后的每个页面加载都将更快。

W3 Total Cache also Minifies your CSS and Javascript files, which will help your site to load much faster.

W3 Total Cache还可以最小化CSS和Javascript文件,这将帮助您的网站更快地加载。


Regenerate Thumbnails

This plugin may not be something that you have installed on every site, but it’s definitely one I keep in the back of my mind when certain situations arise. Where this plugin comes in handy is mainly when you are switching themes and none of your images or thumbnails look right. This can be frustrating, but the quickest way to fix this problem isn’t to redo all of your thumbnail images by hand. The solution is to use the regenerate thumbnails plugin. With a click of your mouse this plugin will go through all of your thumbnails and regenerate them instantly. You may have to sit there for a minute or two and let it run its course, but it will handle all of your thumbnail images on its own. This is one of the most useful plugins I keep on hand when needed.

可能不是您在每个站点上都安装了此插件,但是在某些情况下,我绝对会记住这个插件。 该插件派上用场的地方主要是在您切换主题时,没有图像或缩略图看起来正确。 这可能令人沮丧,但是解决此问题的最快方法不是手动重做所有缩略图。 解决方案是使用重新生成缩略图插件。 只需单击鼠标,该插件便会遍历所有缩略图并立即重新生成它们。 您可能需要坐在那里一两分钟,然后让它按照自己的路线运行,但是它将自行处理所有缩略图。 这是我在需要时可以拿到的最有用的插件之一。


Contact Form 7

You want your website visitors to be able to get in touch with you, so they can ask you questions and provide feedback if needed. Unfortunately, not every WordPress theme comes with a built in contact form. Contact Form 7 is one of the best contact form plugins for WordPress. You can customize each form field to meet your needs. You can also create some pretty advanced forms without knowing how to code them. Contact Form 7 allows you to place your contact form anywhere on your site using a short code.

您希望您的网站访问者能够与您取得联系,因此他们可以向您提出问题,并在需要时提供反馈。 不幸的是,并非每个WordPress主题都带有内置的联系表单。 联系表格7是WordPress最好的联系表格插件之一。 您可以自定义每个表单字段以满足您的需求。 您也可以创建一些非常高级的表单,而无需知道如何编写它们。 使用联系表7,您可以使用短代码将联系表放置在网站上的任何位置。


Contact Form DB

You may not always want visitors to send you an email when filling out a contact form on your website. Sometimes, you need to collect this information so that you can compile it into a spreadsheet for later. There are many uses for collecting information via forms, and Contact Form DB will allow you to save form submissions on your WordPress database. Then, if you need to organize this information, you can export the data as a CSV file. This will allow you to open it in Microsoft Excel. This plugin not only works with Contact Form 7, but it also works with Fast Secure Contact Form, Gravity Forms, and Jetpack Contact Form plugins.

在网站上填写联系表时,您可能并不总是希望访问者向您发送电子邮件。 有时,您需要收集此信息,以便可以将其编译为电子表格以供以后使用。 通过表单收集信息有很多用途,并且联系表单数据库将使您可以将表单提交保存在WordPress数据库中。 然后,如果您需要整理这些信息,则可以将数据导出为CSV文件。 这将允许您在Microsoft Excel中打开它。 该插件不仅可以与Contact Form 7一起使用,而且还可以与Fast Secure Contact Form,Gravity Forms和Jetpack Contact Form插件一起使用。




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